The heritage of our community is deeply rooted in helping those in need. To us, it’s just the right thing to do. That’s why 100 years ago (1924) the leaders of our community decided what this place needed was a community chest, later named United Way.
Since our inception, we have been working hand-in-hand with the community to solve complex problems and provide a better life for our citizens. Through the collective power of the community, we have been providing funds to better our community. Honoring the traditions of our forefathers, and supporting needs as they have changed, evolved, and even grown.
Many families struggle every day, and no single individual, non-profit, business or government entity working on its own can overcome the struggles. . . since that’s the case we asked, what if we increased our partnerships? Could we multiply our impact and make a bigger difference?
Poverty can keep people in a vulnerable place. High teen pregnancy and more than half the births in Potter County to single moms contributes to families in poverty. And yet, if a person completes high school, works full time, and marries before having children, he or she reduces the chance of living in poverty to just 2%.
Working with United Way program partners, we are tackling poverty by giving families the support they need to achieve, maintain and improve their employment. Low-cost childcare provides low-income working parents with a safe supportive environment for their children so they can work full time; gain financial stability. Adult literacy classes, computer classes, job training, and helping veterans find jobs are four more ways United Way invests in income stability.
The role education plays in a person’s life cannot be overstated. While Potter County has seen an increase in graduation rates, Randall County rates are decreasing. This is troubling because without high school education, the individual’s earning potential is capped, often leading to the need for charitable and governmental financial support over the duration of their lives.
Studies show a child with a mentor is more likely to avoid risky behaviors and graduate from high school. We invest over 1 million dollars in 12 local programs to ensure at-risk youth have adult tutors, coaches, mentors, and role models.
We engage over 400 volunteers to help us raise and allocate the needed funds to change struggles our families face. We are for the community, and the community drives our impact. The problems are as varied as the people who live here. To solve the challenges, what this place needs is all of us living united.