Agency Application

United Way Amarillo & Canyon (UWAC) is seeking grant applications from programs in the area that fight for the education, health, income stability and basic needs for the Amarillo and Canyon communities. Funding may be used for programmatic cost including overhead, administration and salary cost. Please complete the budget template with your detailed program budget information and submit with the application.  
UWAC overall seeks to prevent and alleviate poverty. UWAC will ensure community members have access to educational attainment, increasing post-secondary enrollment leading to a career path which will provide a living wage salary providing income stability. This is further promoted by ensuring community members have access to adequate health care and basic needs such as housing/shelter, food security, safety and crisis care. 
United Way Amarillo & Canyon will track progress through output and outcome data each funded partner will be required to submit. This data will consist of: inputs>>activities>>>outputs>>outcomes>>impact 
Ultimately measuring change in knowledge, attitude, behavior/status regarding the funding program’s goals.
If you should have any questions, please contact Adam Leathers at 806.376.6359 or

*Indicates required field


Part I – Agency Information
Primary Contact’s Information
CEO’s/Executive Director Information
Part II – Program Information
Part III – Outcomes Data

Download the UWAC Budget Template, complete the form and upload it below.

Upload requirements